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Monday, October 28, 2013


How to live a TENSION FREE life.

“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

In the present world , tension , stress, worry, anxiety, fear has become very common . Most of the people have excepted them as a part of their daily life and they say that it can not be avoided. But there is a formula to live a tension free life.

This is known as the “ABCD formula”.

‘A’ is for Acceptance :
     There are so many things that you can not control but keep on trying to control them and this is the main reason for your tension. For example, you are going for an important meeting  and in the way you face a traffic jam. You now know that you are going to be late . Being tensed will only make the situation worse because it will then affect your meeting and in fact your whole day. So firstly accept the situation so that the mind stops creating negative thoughts , then think of the ideas to get out of the situation and how you can spend this time .You can make important calls to inform other people that you are going to be late also you can prepare yourself for the meeting and you can help the people around to get the road clear. This way you will make the better use of you time then by wasting it by getting tensed.
     Similarly there can be many such situations , Boss shouting at you, your son is late to reach home etc. Always remember that “situation will not get better by getting tensed, but by staying calm you can surely do something worthwhile.”

‘B’ is for Bypass:       
     Many times you will face such situations where there is no need for you to get into it. For example ; if an argument creates tension then why to be a part of that argument. So just bypass such situations without wasting your precious time and energy.

‘C’ is for Cancel : 
     Identify the cause of your worries and then delete it from your life. For example ; If procrastinating some work creates tension then avoid it.  

‘D’ is for Do : 
     You must do a few things to be able to live a tension free life. Take care of your physical and mental health, exercise, meditate, read good books, sleep well, eat well etc.
     Remember Stress is directly proportional to the pressure and inversely proportional to the resilience (inner strength) . So with the increase in the numerator i.e. pressure in today’s world the stress is also increasing . But if we want to bring it down then we have to increase the denominator i.e. resilience (inner strength) to an extent that the numerator i.e. stress becomes almost negligible.

 It has been found that most of the physical diseases are psychosomatic i.e. they originates in the mind. So stressed mind affects the whole body in a dangerous way. So why to be stressed when it is such a waste of time and energy.

"Let's realize that we can easily live a tension free life if we make the right choices "

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